Issue in Belize

Issue in Belize

On Thursday, March 28, 2019, at the Red Cross Building, Lucas Street, St. George, Grenada the Caribbean Federation of Police Welfare Associations (the Federation) launched its first issue newsletter as a new and strategic initiative to strengthen its presence in the Caribbean and to affect its results to create greater synergy in welfare among the police organizations in the Caribbean.
Senator Mr. Andre Lewis President of the Trades Union Council of Grenada applauded the Federation on a job well done on such a publication and encouraged the Federation to consistently produce the newsletter in accordance with its mandate. He encourages the Federation and local associations to look beyond working conditions and but work towards assisting their members on housing and education.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Grenada Franklyn Redhead marked the occasion as tremendous and noted the importance of the newsletter in communication with members of the federation. He also highlighted the welfare of police officers and the need to continuously look after policemen and women is important and good can only come when the welfare of the men and women have looked after.
President of the Federation, Anand Ramesar expressed his gratitude to his executive on achieving such a milestone and noted that it has since been three years ago since the idea came to the federation. He noted that going forward the quarterly newsletter will focus on the following:
1. The social and operational aspect of policing.
2. A Police Welfare Index; countries are rated on how mindful they are in addressing welfare for the police officer and what they have done or lack thereof in doing.
3. The work of the Federation.
4. The positive and negative of the working environment of a police officer throughout the Caribbean.
5. Analysis of the legislative and administrate frameworks with emphasis on archaic law and administration that govern police organizations in the Caribbean.
6. Leadership issues and shortcomings.
President Ramesar further noted that as a federation going forward, we are ready and willing to work with all commissioners of police, ministers of national security and stakeholders throughout the Caribbean region who are willing to work on the advancement of the welfare of police officers. He concluded that as we strive for high performance in our police organizations, our strategy must include welfare for the men and women who have committed their lives to public safety in the Caribbean.